Circular back in hybrid format

This Sunday, June 13, the Circular project holds its first edition of 2021.

Bringing digital content over the internet, but this time, as the current flagship of Belém against Covid-19 already allows, some partners will be open to receive the public in the historic center of Belém.

“In this edition, two more documentary films will also be shown, one about “Vaca Velha and the Encontro de Bois”, by Ângela Gomes, produced in São Caetano de Odivelas”

Espaço Vem, Papel da Amazônia/Atelier do Zoca and Espaço Candeeiro will open from 9:00 am, at their addresses in the Cidade Velha neighborhood, respecting health protocols and limiting the public in rounds of visitation. On social networks, the programming starts at 8 am, through Circular’s Facebook and Instagram and Youtube channel, a channel with live chats.

This is the 35th edition of the Circular Project. The organization is being carried out by the Ministry of Tourism, Associação Amigos de Belém and Circular, sponsored by Banco da Amazônia, via the Rouanet Law. Content produced in Belém, Iagarapé-Açu, São Caetano de Odivelas, Bragança and Colares participates.

In the morning, we will have the traditional participation of Tunga Vidya, who will present the Sukshma Vyayama Yoga exercise, in addition to the storytelling “Coração de Clay”, by Cleber Cajun, “Our corners are the songs of the house of Ojú”, Lucas Alberto, and “The Mission of Your Little One”, by Mestre Saci.

Live chat and an endless soap opera

Then, Fotoativa brings to this edition, a live chat on Youtube. The illustrator Isis Petit, the comic artist Francy Botelho and the sculptor Leno Sanches, artists included in the Public Notice for Visual Arts – Law Aldir Blanc Pará 2020, will talk about their creation processes, challenges and results.

The marathon runners on duty will also be able to watch the entire Season 1 of the soap opera “Ô Mundica! – an endless soap opera?”, which has been shown on the internet since 2020, there are a total of 16 chapters of the saga, accounting for more than 1 hour and a half of material. The direction is by Mateus Moura.

The public will also watch a video about the closing of the first stage of the Encantarias de São Benedito project, which is being carried out in Bragança, with the support of the Aldir Blanc Law.

At lunchtime, the public will get to know a new gastronomy space located in a mansion from 1902, in the neighborhood of Reduto, Casa Iga, and learn about another delicious and healthy recipe, from Toró Gastronomia.

Visual Arts and Documentaries

Starting the afternoon, we will have the Kamara Kó Galeria presenting images from the virtual exhibition Teatro Paraense 80/90: Photographs by Miguel Chikaoka.

Atelier Jupati is going to show the documentary “Iluminação um Return to the Images”, made on the Island of Colares, both projects produced with the support of the Aldir Blanc Law.

Visual artist Drika Chagas, who is in Belém, presents three contents of Telavista, an Urban Art project that aims to map the walls, walls or facades available in the neighborhoods of Belém.

In this edition, two more documentary films will also be shown, one on “Vaca Velha and the Encontro de Bois”, by Ângela Gomes, produced in São Caetano de Odivelas, the municipality that guards this unique cultural expression in Pará.

The Green Currency project presents the doc “Quando Igarapé-Açu jumped Carnaval”, about the old carnivals of Igarapé Açu, directed by writer and director Edson Coelho, with support from the Aldir Blanc Law.

The public will also see a fashion video by the Arte Pela Vida Committee, which is celebrating 25 years in 2021, and the performance video that brings the message of this initiative for the right to life, food, vaccine and art.

Lives and video clips

In the late afternoon, there will be two lives. The GeoTouristic Routes project will talk about memory and heritage: A Belle Époque and Cinema Olympia in Belém do Pará, with critics and researchers Luzia Álvares Miranda and Marco Antônio Moreira, with mediation by the project coordinator, professor Goretti Tavares, from UFPA .

The Espaço Candeeiro, which will be open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, for visits to the exhibition “Entre Processos” – limited to six people at a time -, will also hold, at 6:30 pm, a live conversation, on Youtube, about the “Circuit of Art in Alternativas Media with Vasco Cavalcante, from Cultura Pará, and Luciana Medeiros, from Holofote Virtual, and mediation by Heldilene Reale and Natan Garcia.

The program ends at night with three musical attractions, the new clips “Cançãozinha” by Nazaré Pereira, “Cage Passenger” by Cincinato Jr. Cincinato Marques and “Realeza do Guamá”, by Arraial do Pavulagem.

The Circular project will hold another four editions this year, a special exhibition on the Mapa do Afeto, held in Cidade Velha, a launch project approved by the Aldir Blanc Law, and also launches at the beginning of the second semester, a new website and the 8th edition of the Circular Digital Magazine.


8:30 am – Sukshma Vyayama Yoga Class – Tunga Vidya

9:00 am to 5:00 pm – In-person Visit – Open Spaces in the Cidade Velha neighborhood
– Following health protocols against Covid-19

· Come Space – Author’s Store
Trav. Pedro Albuquerque, 300
· Atelier do Zoca – Exhibition “Portrait Album”
Rua Dr. Rodrigues dos Santos, 181
· Lamp Space – Exhibition Between Processes
Cametá Street, 175
· Rubão’s Bar – Food
Trav. Gurupá, 312

9:00 am – Storytelling
Heart of Clay – Cléber Cajun
Our corners are the corners of Ojú’s house – Lucas Alberto –
Your Father’s Mission

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